6 Recreational Activities Where Operators Should Consider Activity Waivers

If you’re running a recreational activity business or club, then you’ll no doubt be running risk assessments on the regular. Most activities that provide an element of fun and thrills will include some level of risk, or outcomes unknown. While you can do plenty to manage and mitigate these risks, you might not be able to take all risk out of the situation – after all, having an adventure is less fun when your guest is wrapped in cotton wool and red tape! 


For these activities, it’s vital that you’re fully informing your guests of the risks and have them acknowledge the risks so you can protect people and your business. If you’re operating any of these recreational activities or similar, then having a liability waiver to participate in the activity is likely to be a good idea.

  • Shooting ranges & axe throwing

The risks are obvious with anything involving potential weapons – and there may also be essential safety rules and risks you need your guests to read and acknowledge before beginning.  

  • Paintball & laser tag

Running around a faux battle environment is thrilling, but it can also potentially lead to injuries. Risks can include knocks and falls, bruising and paint in the eyes or ears.   

  • Roller-skating or ice skating

Your guests have an amazing time scooting around the rink, but falls happen and scrapes occur. It’s important that guests understand these risks before venturing out.  

  • Outdoor adventure parks
    Whether it’s a giant playground, a zipline adventure or a theme park, an activity waiver should really be included in each guest’s check-in process to keep everyone on the same page about risk.  
  • Sailing, kayaking & water sports

Any activity involving water includes risk. PPE and high-quality flotation equipment should be important factors in your risk assessment, while a liability waiver also helps to inform and educate.

  • Mountaineering, rock climbing & canyoning
    These types of activities are adventurous and potentially risky by their very nature, so the obvious first step is to present guests with a detailed activity liability waiver.


Of course, this list is by no means exhaustive – but it gives some idea to the activities where a physical activity waiver can help to protect you and your customers. 


Getting started

With Wherewolf’s online waiver solution, it’s easy to send your customised activity waiver to guests ahead of time – or to have guests check-in and sign as they arrive on the day via QR code or app. Completed waivers are automagically updated to your central database so you can be confident your bases are covered before every activity. To get started, sign up for your free account now

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