Get Out Of The Office (Virtually) With Our Favourite Webcams

From Alaska to the Zambesi, you can find Wherewolf at the front desk of operators all around the world. Collecting waivers, signing out equipment, researching target markets and encouraging reviews – our app gets to explore the most beautiful parts of the world with you. So you can’t blame us for wanting to take a little trip from time to time! However, with travel restrictions still dampening the dream, there’s nothing like looking through a window and into a new part of the world.


With live-stream webcams around the world, you can take a 5 minute holiday to almost anywhere on the planet. Grab a coffee, or a beer, and de-stress and decompress around the world with us:

First Stop: Yosemite

Marvel the burning glow of the granite rock during sunset, keep an eye out for one of the 400 species this incredible nature reserve supports, or just take in the serenity.


Hang Ten in Hawaiii

Here, we’re going to catch some rays and watch the waves roll in at Pipeline – without the sandy feet or sunburn.


Visit The Wherewolf Team in Queenstown, New Zealand

With a view across stunning Queenstown and featuring our very own HQ, you might even spot one of our crew in their natural habitat!


Sip Your Morning Coffee in Venice

Gaze down the canals and into the heart of Venice, with its ornate bridges and churches – no airfares or vaccine passport required.


Press Shuffle with WindowSwap

Be transported to anywhere in the world with WindowSwap, which takes you around the world and to a windowsill at random. See what the day is like in Japan, England, and India in under a minute.

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